Saturday, October 16, 2010

My addiction

I've found my weakness, KAF's cinnamon twists. I literally cannot get enough of them. I've been making them almost every week this month.
Last night I made the dough, and to make it a little more healthy (not possible with two sticks of butter, right?) I used 1 cup of white whole wheat flour instead of using all AP flour. And since I don't have a pastry blender (yet) I got dirty and mixed the butter in by hand. (This is pre-mixed, I didn't want to get my camera buttery)

I then split and refridgerated the dough overnight. I decided I didn't need so many cinnamon twists so I decided to use half of the dough for these toaster tarts.

I took the dough out to let it warm up a bit. I think the dough was a little drier than usual from the wheat flour and think next time I will have to add a touch more liquid. I rolled the first half of the dough into a rectangle-ish shape.

For the cinnamon sticks, the recipe calls for the milk to be brushed on and then sprinkled with cinnamon chips. I also sprinkle some cinnamon sugar on for added yumminess.

Then the dough is folded over and pressed down a little to keep all of the filling in.

They then get brushed with milk again and mores cinnamony goodness and course sugar is sprinkled on top. The dough is then cut into strips, twisted and placed on the baking sheet.

Here they are all done. Half were gone within fifteen minutes. Honestly they are delicious. Now to make the tarts.

I rolled out the dough and cut it into even squares. Since I can't roll out perfect rectangles, I made enough squares for five tarts.

For the filling, KAF suggests cinnamon sugar or chocolate chips. I decided to make one with cinnamon sugar, two with Ron's boysenberry jam he got at the Stonewall Kitchen store last weekend, and the other two with homemade apple butter made by my friend Jackie.

After filling and putting the tops on, I brushed them with a little milk and sprinkled coarse sugar on top. I pricked the tops with a fork to keep them from rising sky high, and put them in the fridge for a half hour rest before baking. I also labeled them (accidentally labeling an apple as a cinnamon, oh well)

Here they are. Perfect for a weekend breakfast!

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